ARPA-H promises “breakthroughs in biomedicine.” Here’s what you can expect from this DARPA-inspired agency for U.S. biomedical and health sciences.
Research in Germany is accelerating. Aiming to rival the United States and China, Germany should be on the radar of any R&D leader.
Even as global societies advance efforts to minimize gender differences in academia, inequities persist for women in research. Recent data shows that the STEM gender gap is not a mere consequence of lesser interest in the sciences among women, but...
Research administration—in its many manifestations—is a common pain point for scientists. We explore the burdensome requirements that consume researchers and their institutions.
Many modern-day inventions emerged from university research. From everyday mainstays like the world wide web and Gatorade, to pivotal innovations, inventions from higher education institutions have had a remarkable impact on human history.